Word |
Definition |
Aboral |
away from the mouth |
Adduction |
movement of a limb toward
a median line |
Adoral |
near or directed toward
the mouth (or) |
Alloantigen |
occurs in some but not
others of same species |
Allopathy |
second disease, condition
that is incompatible with first |
Antebrachium |
forearm |
Antepartum |
before childbirth |
Antitoxic |
neutralizing the action
of a poison |
Apophysis |
an outgrowth or projection,
especially from a bone |
Contraception |
prevention of conception
or pregnancy |
Dextrogastria |
displacement of the stomach
to the right |
Diapedesis |
the passage of blood through
the walls of blood vessels |
Dissect |
to cut apart or separate
the tissue of a body for study |
Dorsocephalad |
toward the back of the
head |
Ecchondroma |
outgrowth from cartilage,
mass protruding from bone |
Encephalopathy |
any disease of the brain |
Endoderm |
innermost of the primary
layers of the embryo |
Epicranium |
the muscle, aponeurosis,
and skin covering the cranium |
Excementosis |
outgrowth of root surface
of a tooth |
Heterocellular |
occurs in some but not
others of the same species |
Heterotypic |
different or unusual type |
Homeostasis |
state of equilibrium in
the body |
Homomorphic |
two or more structures
of similar size |
Infusion |
steeping a substance in
water |
Inhale |
to draw in breath |
Laterotorsion |
twisting to one side |
Levorotation |
turning or twisting to
the left |
Opisthotonos |
a spasm in which the spine
and extremities are bent |
Perinatal |
time period before, during
or after the time of birth |
Periodontal |
around a mouth |
Peroral |
through the mouth |
Postanaesthetic |
after anaesthetic |
Postnasal |
posterior of the nasal
cavity |
Precapillary |
preceding a capillary |
Predentin |
organic fiber of dentin
before its calcification |
Procephalic |
relationing to the anterior
part of the head |
Prochondral |
developmental stage prior
to formation of cartilage |
Recuperate |
to recover, to regain health
and strength |
Rehydration |
return of water to a system
after its loss |
Retrogression |
previous, less complex
conditions |
Schizonychia |
splitting of the nails |
Schizophrenia |
personality disorder, withdrawal
from outside world |
Transfusion |
transfer of blood |