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The following illustrations are of prefixes showing position. Words in light blue are examples.




  Word Definition

Aboral away from the mouth

Adduction movement of a limb toward a median line

Adoral near or directed toward the mouth (or)

Alloantigen occurs in some but not others of same species

Allopathy second disease, condition that is incompatible with first

Antebrachium forearm

Antepartum before childbirth

Antitoxic neutralizing the action of a poison

Apophysis an outgrowth or projection, especially from a bone

Contraception prevention of conception or pregnancy

Dextrogastria displacement of the stomach to the right

Diapedesis the passage of blood through the walls of blood vessels

Dissect to cut apart or separate the tissue of a body for study
  Dorsocephalad toward the back of the head

Ecchondroma outgrowth from cartilage, mass protruding from bone

Encephalopathy any disease of the brain

Endoderm innermost of the primary layers of the embryo

Epicranium the muscle, aponeurosis, and skin covering the cranium

Excementosis outgrowth of root surface of a tooth

Heterocellular occurs in some but not others of the same species

Heterotypic different or unusual type

Homeostasis state of equilibrium in the body

Homomorphic two or more structures of similar size

Infusion steeping a substance in water

Inhale to draw in breath

Laterotorsion twisting to one side

Levorotation turning or twisting to the left

Opisthotonos a spasm in which the spine and extremities are bent

Perinatal time period before, during or after the time of birth

Periodontal around a mouth

Peroral through the mouth

Postanaesthetic after anaesthetic

Postnasal posterior of the nasal cavity

Precapillary preceding a capillary

Predentin organic fiber of dentin before its calcification

Procephalic relationing to the anterior part of the head

Prochondral developmental stage prior to formation of cartilage

Recuperate to recover, to regain health and strength

Rehydration return of water to a system after its loss

Retrogression previous, less complex conditions

Schizonychia splitting of the nails

Schizophrenia personality disorder, withdrawal from outside world

Transfusion transfer of blood


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